By Anne Tuohey.
Executive Officer Social Policy Connections.

Social Policy Connections is particularly concerned with issues of equity and inequity. It is this focus which motivated us to participate in this enquiry into social housing. As a broad-based advocacy organisation, we have selected the questions we believe we can most appropriately answer.

What is the role of government?

Governments have traditionally had a role in providing housing for those people excluded from housing due to market considerations. social Policy Connections believes that access to affordable, decent housing is a fundamental right which should be protected. Government must always have a role in enabling this access to become a reality for people who would otherwise miss out. We know that when people miss out on housing they are likely to experience a host of other issues which entrench disadvantage and lead to considerable support and intevention being required, most of which comes from the government’s funded services. It is neither a socially nor economically responsible path to limit the access of housing; it is one of the key enablers in a person’s life chances.

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